John Oliver’s full segment tries to help Trump seeĀ Putin as a ruthless dictator and master manipulator. In the off chance that John fails to impress Trump, the segment ends with a group of singing dancers who explain it all to Donald Trump,in a song originally dedicated to Putin.
You can’t help but have noticed how often Trump mentions Putin in glowing terms…He puts in a good word for Putin, almost as often – and inappropriately as he brings up the phenomenal margin of votes by which he was elected .However Michael Flynn’s resignation may just be the tip of the iceberg when it comes to Trump’s complicated relationship with Russia. Trump is the propagandist of Putin’s dreams, and his attack on the free press is right out of Putin’s hand book.
Because John Oliver regularly calls Trump things like “An ill-fitting suit full of chickens coming home to roost,” ” a racist voodoo doll made up of discarded cat hair” and “Rome burning in man form,” he feels fortunate that the first amendment assures his right to do so. In Putin’s Russia, the best thing that could happen would be to find thugs relieving themselves on John’s car. Many journalists and critics don’t live to see their paint job ruined. Another punishment is to find a sex tape of oneself on the internet or TV, whether you actually made it or not.
Putin’s astonishing ‘luck’ and phenomenal wealth must be Trump’s dream come true, so what if the money was stolen from the state. Putin is generous with his ‘friends’ and close allies, while marginalizing inconvenient people. In exchange for the glittering money and power on the horizon, Putin just wants a few things from Trump in return, and it’s chilling to note that Trump has begun the steps to accommodate Putin.