So you think here we have another Australian horror story of crocks, sharks, killer jellyfish, brown snakes, spiders and lickable frogs, but no, this piece turns into a story about love, and let’s hope, love lost.
Quite often being hurt is a factor of being stupid. And here we have perhaps the greatest story ever told about that very thing.
And when you get to the end of this video remember this guy knows this girl is going to see him say what he says.
Like jumping into a alligator infested river drunk we find he is just as stupid sober. Which says something positive about getting drunk.
I did a lot of winter backpacking through Southern Mexico and Central American back in the day. Lots of time spent with both locals and gringos from around the world. I found my travel partners most often were Aussies. And almost instant affinity. Beer, fun, laughs and of course ACDC.
Why ACDC did not get the Nobel Prize for Literature for their lyrics rather that Bob Dylan I will never understand. [Trump mode]