It has been 100 days since one of the darkest days for democracy in the history of the United States, but Trump’s inauguration was followed by one of the brightest. On January 21,millions of nasty women and the men who love them, gathered to protest the obnoxious,orange, dictator-in-training! I never tire of comparing the photo of the protest, beside the photo of the inauguration. Sad.
Trump’s 100 day evaluation finds him without the beautiful, huge wall between the U.S. and Mexico built. Obamacare is still intact, mercifully. Why the long face, Trump? Gosh, he’s accomplished a lot! He knocked out women’s health care, equal pay and workplace safety – just as a start. Of course partial credit is due to Ivanka, average working gal, who vowed she would use the ear of her father to advocate for other women. I guess she forgot.
There is good news. Women have always been ridiculously underrepresented – by women, but the tide is changing, and there’s help for everyone who wants to get involved politically.