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Olbermann Worst: NH Reps for Magna Carta, Sheriff Joe Arpaio, Ron Paul supporters

Gold: Kingsbury Twombly & Vita. These names on a business card would give the appearance of a trio of ambulance chasers, that – would be an improvement. Bob, Tim & Lucien are Freshmen Representatives in New Hampshire’s State House, where they have introduced a ‘new’ law which hinges on the Magna Carta. They concocted the link between the very old document and present law – and still confess a ‘need to bone up on the Magna Carta.’ New Hampshire is flying through important business!

Silver: Sheriff Joe Arpaio, the unquestioned Right Wing icon of law and order in Maricopa County. What’s this? The tables are taking an unauthorized turn! The stubborn commies of the DOJ refuse to give Arpaio the names of the people who will be testifying against him! Obviously the DOJ doesn’t know who they’re messing with. Then again, maybe they do – he’s going to be a fetching sight in pink undies, fighting sand fleas and a raging sunburn.

Bronze: Ron Paul and NHLiberty4Paul,
a support group and political ad producers extraordinaire. John Huntsman has many faults, but until you see him in a uniform as an agent of the Chinese government, you really cannot begin to fathom how little he shares our values. Do you think it’s a coincidence that he adopted two Asian girls?
It’s a good thing that NHLiberty is working for Paul rather than against him. They might well picture Paul smoking pot in his bunker, where he’s dictating the overthrow of the government, a sweet Eva Braun by his side. The uniforms this scenario brings to mind were pretty snappy too.