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Daily Show John Oliver, Sarah Palin’s route to infiltrate Lame Steam media

The Daily Show with Jon Stewart
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So on her way to the TODAY show she does an interview with Breitbart.com bragging she will infiltrate the liberal media and get back to them.  She endorses serial adulterer Newt Gingrich and sucks up to the top hatemonger on the Right Brietbart… Wow…   

I watched Sarah Palin all morning yesterday. I wish I had a nickel for everytime one of the Lame Steam media hosts told her what a good job she was doing! The movie GAME CHANGE did have an effect on her. The most embarrassing scene in the movie was when she stormed out of the makeup chair yelling, I WANT MY HAIR HIGH! Her hair was down a few inches yesterday. 

She has two problems that cannot be fixed. She not only makes everything political but is incapable of keeping her all consuming visceral hatred of the media in check. But more importantly, she sounds as stupid as she is. That pretty much takes politics and talk radio off the table, leaving her only option FOX NEWS where her looks can help her along.