It turns out that several of the Ten Commandments are repetitive. In Carlin’s way of thinking, we only need two. One commandment pretty much covers everything, but our economic survival could hinge upon coveting – so let’s keep it in the short list, and practice, practice, practice!
My boss Rack wrote his own 10 Commandments sometime ago:
I. Honor thy father and thy mother.
II. Thou shalt not kill, period.
III. Neither shalt thou steal.
IV. Neither shalt thou break any contract made in good faith.
V. Neither shalt thou bear false witness against others.
VI. Neither shalt thou enter the circle of vengeance.
VII. Teach thy children well.
VIII. Do unto others as you would have them do onto you.
IX. Love thy neighbor as yourself.
X. Thou shalt clean up any mess thy maketh.