This piece by Bill Maher concludes that what this is ALL ABOUT is racism. Russian being the whitest place on Earth with Trump wanting to join forces with that whiteness as the rest of the world turns to mud people.
Bill Maher reminds of us that being friends, and sucking up to a Russian thug, gangster, KBG agent and who has murdered about 50 journalists and opposition candidates IS A GOOD THING NOT A BAD THING! Says president Trump over and over and over again until EVERYONE on meth, opioids, Bud and Wild Turkey believes it. You know. Americans. The people!
So why the popularity of 4 wheelers? And snowmobiles further North? Ask Sarah Palin’s husband. Getting from point a to point b without fear of DUI. As Roger Stone has said of at least on of them, they are liars, psychos, drunks, drug addicts and have tiny penises.
AND THERE IS NO WAY IN HELL ANY ONE OF THEM WILL CHANGE! They are locked into that ignorance, bigotry and hatred until the die. So have at them, and VOTE! We outnumber them 2 to 1.
New Rule: The Party of Putin | Real Time with Bill Maher (HBO)