These fresh-faced, politically active young people are the future of the United States!
Abandon all hope and faith in our future here. Gathered at a rally protesting marriage equality, and of an age which presumes they have had at least 8 to 12 years of education, we would expect logical arguments for their views on marriage equality, and surely cogent wording, and even half-ass spelling on their signs…At minimum. We’d be disappointed on both counts. Asked to answer this question: ‘Why do you support traditional marriage?’ The first girl writes ” Because it’s the right thing I can’t see myself being with a women (sic) EWEWWWWW” When did it all become so personal – and mandatory?! I did double-check to be certain this wasn’t an Onion News article!
In light of the Supreme Court discussion earlier this week, in which marriages between couples 55-years old and above were discussed, I found this one to be enlightening too. “I support marriage between one man & one woman as the only union which unites children to their parents. Marriage is a child-centered instution NOT an adult-centered one!” Oh so young, and yet so wise! Why are these people lacking in both logic and heart ? Obviously I am not tarring an entire generation with the same brush. However, if students who don’t fit this mold will produce some cogent signs and prove that these illiterate ninnies are in the minority, I believe we’ll all sleep better at night.