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Abraham, Kill your Kids for Christmas, FOD

Kill your kids for ChristmasThe Christian Judeo tradition. Christian Judeo values. The basis of the Christian Judeo religion begins with a talking snake who gets a bad woman to corrupt a good man who then gets disowned by God. It them moves quickly to God the Joker, you know with a big red mouth, who requires that Abraham kill his son, which Abraham accepts without a thought, but at the last second God intervenes to say it was just a joke.  ha HA. Funny as Hell.

Moving on God then has sex with a Jewish virgin, deserts her so another man must take all responsibility, then actually does kills his son horribly, no joking around on this one, to make the point that even babies are full of sin because of what that bad woman at the beginning did.

One things for sure, Scientology is a big step up from that onerous crap.