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Abstinence Only Program fails Texas Students

Texas Jesus GunsWith the help of George W. Bush and billions of tax dollars spent on Abstinence Only programs in American Schools – especially in Texas and other less than cold states – has been a complete failure. Focus on abstinence alone is failing Texas teenagers

94% of Texas schools have no sex education at all other than promoting total abstinence which they politicize by lying about the effectiveness of condoms and other forms of birth control.

Pregnancy rates for CHILDREN 15 years old and under has risen not only in Texas but even higher in New Mexico and Mississippi. This is of course is  expected in Mississippi where all sex is related. Sex Ed Now!

These pregnant children under 15 are in MIDDLE SCHOOL where there is not even a 6% rate of sex education as there is in high schools. Well other than lying to them that birth control does not work and if they have sex they will die. Seeing pictures of so many of the Texas Taliban in the news down here in dumbutt, I would rather die than have sex with any of them. 

Here in Texas there is legislation brought to the floor each year by some off color state representatives to remedy this, but is quickly and hardily squashed by our Texas Taliban who run this sorryass state with the help of the NRA. Of course these same people do everything they can to refuse giving support to these child mothers and their children. Here in Texas children are born with bootstraps. Though we do give them the opportunity to buy as many weapons as they want at some fairground each weekend. Which is all that really matters down here…