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I Agree With Ted Cruz! Michelle Obama in Saudi Arabia

I Agree With Ted Cruz! Michelle Obama Scarf-less in Saudi Arabia

History was made today when Texas Republican crazy Ted Cruz said something about Michelle Obama in Saudi Arabia, and we all agreed with him. I can almost guarantee Cruz will never say another thing that resonates with sane people, but he had it right about the big headscarf bru-ha-ha. Cruz made a public statement applauding the First Lady for not wearing a head scarf during the Obama’s recent trip to Saudi Arabia. It’s enough to cause Michelle to re-think her position on scarves.

Barack Obama was in Riyadh on Tuesday to pay his respects to the late Saudi King Abdulla.  Ah – but enough of politics…This is what we really care about.  The twittersphere erupted over Michelle Obama’s scarf – or lack of one.  On Tuesday over 1500 tweets under the Hashtag (loosely translated) #Michelle Obama Unveiled, complained and whinged about the First Lady’s decision not to cover her head.

Just for the record, it is not required of visitors to cover their heads, and Saudi officials have met with scarf-less visitors in the past. Furthermore Your Honor, Mrs. Obama was not the only scarf-less woman at the event, which was attended by  a host of dignitaries. She dressed in a manner which conformed to cultural standards, in loose-fitting clothing, with covered arms and legs, so as not to arouse anyone beyond their capacity for self-control.

It did not escape sharp-eyed twitter folk  that on a recent trip to Indonesia, Michelle had worn a headscarf. ‘Why not in Saudi Arabia?’ they wondered, as they adjusted their own mandatory lust-busters.   Hmmm..Would you wear one if it wasn’t required? The Twitter folk seem to be the only ones who noticed. Mrs. Obama was almost universal ignored by the Saudi men as she stood by her husband in the receiving line.

I certainly hope something like this doesn’t come up again, and place us in the untenable position of agreeing with Ted Cruz. As for  Cruz – whatever his motives in giving the First Lady his stamp of approval…Even a stopped clock is right twice a day.