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Al Madrigal, The Latinos are Coming! Daily Show

The Latinos are coming! Daily ShowA few lessons here.

Whenever you hear a white person say, “I am not racist… ”  You can bet your first born they are a racist.

Sheriff of Butler County, Ohio Richard K. Jones is the name of the Fox News guest who says illegal immigrants get computers and cars when the get here.  Sheriff Richard K. Jones. Ohio.

By 2020 Latinos will outnumber white people in Texas.

A few years ago Harvard professors Theda Skocpol and Vanessa Williamson wrote the definitive book on the Tea Party. It was celebrated as fair in that they found it hard to pigeonhole the movement into one universal set of beliefs. I mixed bag of right-wing swill so to say.

In an interview this week Professor Theda Skopol clarified that by explaining that though they were not a homogeneous political entity, there was one issue that all Tea Party members agreed upon. In fact Skopol said it was the number one Tea Party issue.

Building an impenetrable border across Mexico to keep Latinos out, while at the same time rounding up all 11 million undocumented Latinos already here and putting them in family prison camps to await deportation. I guess it would be proper to sew a yellow “L” on their serapes and sombreros. This is the one tie that binds the Tea Party.

But it’s okay, because they premise their views with,  “I am not a racist…”  In fact they even have a new word for “racism” which they now call “nativism” which is not as bad. But that does seem to have some problems considering American Indians.

Speaking of which… How many in the Tea Party do you think want to change the name of the Washington Redskins?