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All Dog Supreme Court Needs Your Votes- John Oliver

All Dog Supreme Court Needs Your Votes, for New Merrick Garland Pooch - John Oliver

The dog version of the Supreme Court, which is used by Last Week Tonight because no cameras are allowed in the judicial chamber, is moving ahead to replace the chair once held by a bulldog who represented Antonin Scalia. We know the Senate hasn’t given the nod to Merrick Garland, but John feels it is wise to find a dog who best  represents Garland, and the best way to decide on the lucky canine is through a democratic vote. You the people, have the right and the power to elect the dog who will replace Scalia’s representative bulldog.

All three candidates look different from one another, yet they all bear some striking resemblance to Garland. You’ll see sassy Miniature Schnauzer Molly – who projects smarts and gravitas, Biscuit the Pug may take your eye, and Winston a terrier who is reputed to have ‘a bristling defense.’ The panel awaits your wise selection.
Kindly send your pick to #DOGGARLAND  to vote.

As John Oliver explains; “Because even though the Senate is refusing to decide on something monumentally important, we can still decide on something monumentally stupid.”