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America’s election a Brexit plus plus plus plus plus plus plus with Charlie Shh

America's election a Brexit plus plus plus plus plus plus plus with Charlie ShhAs Great Britain sits back sipping a cup of tea while they slowly move out of the European Union, much more fast based America will soon be withdrawing from the global economy on a rocket.

Upending NAFTA will not cause auto plants and steel mills to be built between every Walmart and Cracker Barrel across the heartland or Pittsburgh for that matter. It was passed to increase exports, increase trade and make more jobs overall which it has done. Same goes from the coming TPP.

As the world moves toward globalization, we find Britain and America dropping out, I suppose with the assumption that we are both smarter than everyone else. But as the Brexit and Trump vote show that is very far from the truth.  But we can go it alone together! We can send them dentists and some sunshine and they can send us their lively food culture of boiled meats and fish & chips.