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Ammo 100% Safe! Rack Jite Sunday Archive


The Whallop Corp sets the standard in defensive ammunition.

THE ENDER is a Teflon hollow-point projectile with a titanium alloy casing packing 150% more powder than any other projectile on the market!

Not only is this bullet capable of piercing any known police flack vest, it can penetrate most any state or federal military armored vehicle.


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Newly-designed specially aerodynamic engineering with secret tip technology allows this bullet to know when it hits something soft causing it to flatten up to 350% and tumble making for defensive exits.

Never let anyone in traffic give you the finger again!

Never have to worry about your quarter getting bumped on a pool table again!

Available in .44 magnum, .45 and 50 caliber at Sears, Wal-mart, K-mart and at most convenience stores near you!

100% SAFE!