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Anderson Cooper RidicuList: Michaele Salahi, White House party crasher

If the decade of the fifties is remembered by such pop icons as the hula hoop and rock n roll, then certainly this decade will be known for ‘reality TV. Sahali is a ‘success’ story by these standards. If you remember her name, it is because she and her husband crashed a White House dinner party! Instead of prison, it propelled her into a whirl of ‘reality’ shows. Sahali’s only failure came as Dr. Drew sussed that the only addiction Sahali had was a narcissistic disorder, which he is unprepared to treat. Only in America in this point in time, is there an eager audience for the further adventures of the Sahalis or Snooki.

The next surprise is that Sahali Syndrome is growing and thriving. Watch and weep as Anderson Cooper shows many other women, and one man who are fulfilling their American dream. A dream where millions will tune in to watch those with no talent on shows that are far from reality based. It is pretty amusing though, in short doses.