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This is what happens when I stop reading the supermarket tabloids. I thought that ‘real man’ Rush Limbaugh had parted ways with his drug dealing housekeeper, but this is obviously she, or someone else who is on the payroll. The other possibility is someone in a mental institution. She is a wonderful representation of the fine folks who listen to the Blob of Hate, day in and day out. Did she have to be so cruel to Martin and his wife? The poor woman has had ‘five abortions’ already and is apparently lacking in character, else why mention it? Cut her some slack. After all, she’s married to a ‘girly boy’ and a "pervert" not a four-time failure with the charm of a buzz saw.
RJ Adds: I wonder what Rush Limbaugh’s present wife thinks of all this? I suppose that is the pre nups, NO TALKING. Imagine being married to this fat ugly misogynist bigot. Gosh… There can be only one reason for it. THE MONEY. Which makes his wife a what?