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Angry Old White Men win GOP Primaries, Tony Auth Cartoon

Angry old men win Primaries

Is that Clint Eastwood up there?  Some years ago that guy was sitting there on the same steps in Sacramento screeching on and on about them damn immigrants, wetbacks, Latinos which all ended very poorly for the GOP. They did an ethnic cleansing on themselves with no hope of recovery. Texas is following precisely the same plan, they cannot help themselves, it is the nature of the Beast. The demography of all these white old bigots dying off with young Hispanics replacing them at a rate of about three  to one, means a Red Texas by 2024.

I have found the best response to these kind of people in person. Best done with an audience.

Whenever and wherever you hear a Republican use the words FREEDOM, LIBERTY, SMALL GOVERNMENT, BIG BROTHER, INTRUSIVE GOVERNMENT jump up and give them a hug and a pat on the back and tell them:

“What a surprize! Who woulda thought you are Pro Choice,  for immigration reform, legalizing pot and gay marriage! GOOD FOR YOU! We see eye to eye on Freedom, Liberty and a smaller less intrusive government.”

But watch out for the ugly response which channels the preamble to the Republican Platform.

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