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Angry White Trump voters are fun to be with

Angry White Trump voters and song writers

Angry White Trump voters and song writersI found a video that, because I watched it, now has ONE VIEW on Youtube! This has never seen before by anyone other than you and I!  A great value in the realm of rarity.

But what I want yall to take away from this is not the ignorance of Trump supporters or the overwhelming white of it, but rather the fun of it. Something I have experienced most every year representing a Northeast elitist company.

Sales meetings up in Connecticut found me for a week spending my evenings dressed up, sipping wine and talking about portfolios interest rates.

Then getting back home to Texas to hook up with Bubba and Okra, mixing Jack and Bud, dancing in the back yard to Lynyrd Skynyrd’s  Gimmie Three Steps with my pants off before jumping in the four wheeler and shooting up the woods with a bunch of guns.

“This is the short, simple easy truth as to why we ended up with Donald Trump in the White House said better than all the pundits on TV have been throwing out for most of a year.” Bubba, friend of Rack no matter the politics, which like religion should be only a small part of who and what we are. .