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Bashir: ‘Family values’ Obama critic D’Souza gets comeuppance With Pants Down

Martin Bashir: Obama bashing family values preaching Dinesh D’Souza caught with pants down, gets his comeuppance
Martin Bashir tells the tale of Dinesh D’Souza — who bashes President Obama as a destroyer of western values – but who now finds himself as the last person who should promote “family values.”  D’Souza is responsible for a ton of ridiculous and nasty right wing blather. He introduced  widely embraced, but lesser understood talking points involving Obama’s alleged Kenyan post colonial hatred, and his dogged determination to destroy America’s ‘Christian heritage.’ D’Souza’s Family Values were exposed when karma took an instant turn, and rewarded his past judgement and present greediness…Monogamy when ‘rightly’ understood means it’s okay as long as you’re both married – to someone, somewhere.

More background yeilds a relationship with right-wing hottie, the publicity seeking missile Ann Coulter. Coulter is enjoying the small flury of controversy due to her use of the ‘R’ word in reference to the President of the United States. Any reference to the ‘R’ word was cause for great alarm and umbrage during the Palin reign, but must be excused in the ill-bred Righties following Romney’s poor debate performance.