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Be more afraid of President Trump than all Muslims, Mexicans and Black men put together

Be more afraid of President Trump than all Muslims, Mexicans and Black men put together

Be afraid, very afraid, afraid to death of a President Trump who is far more dangerous to America than all the Muslims, Mexicans and Black activists combined, and to once again putting it into perspective – because no one else does – since October 2001 [over the past 15 years] Americans have shot and killed 170,000 other Americans [suicides aside] while Muslim terrorists have shot and killed 96 Americans.

Crime rates for both legal and illegal immigrants are below crime rates for American non immigrants.

Crime rates which peaked in the early 1970’s, and again under Ronald Reagan and George H Bush, are now half of what they were then and lower than they ever were.

Police officers shot on duty has steadily gone down to less than half of what it was in the early 1970’s and what it was when America was Great in the 1950’s. Great for Mayberry and the Cleavers.

1.2 million Americans have been shot to death in America by Americans since 1980, more than all our wars combined.

The kicker? Republicans say that these issues can only be solved by more guns, with larger magazines, and faster fire rates, carried by more people more often and openly.