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Beheading of Indian saves Plymouth Pilgrims from annihilation!

Beheading of Indian saves Plymouth Pilgrims from annihilation!

If you happened to watch the PBS special AMERICAN EXPERIENCE The Pilgrims the other night you learned that two years after the first Thanksgiving, Myles Standish led an attack on an Indian tribe, beheaded the leader and put it on a pike to the joy of the Christian Pilgrims who found America. He raised it to the top of the Plymouth colony battlement where it stayed for years successfully scaring away the bad Indians in the area. Hear! Here! A continent founded on beheading. American exceptionalism.

Beheading is a very successful avenue for change. John the Baptist who gave way to Jesus Christ [Jews]. Wituwamat by the Pilgrims [Christians]. Marie Antoinette ended that chapter [Atheists]. Daniel Pearl causing war on ISIS [Muslim]. And of course Ned Stark made a hit of Game of Thrones [Dragons].