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Ben Carson, wins Oklahoma straw poll as Republican’s next Black Nitwit Presidential candidate

Following in the footsteps of fellow African American nitwit hopefuls Alan Keyes and Herman Cain, Dr Ben Carson won the Southern Republican Leadership Conference straw poll  in Oklahoma last night with 25% of the vote.  In a a field of 17 candidates with 1000 voters Dr Ben is on his way. Well at last until someone smarter than Sean Hannity asks him a question anyway.

“Do we have major social issues we cannot live with? I’d love to see Roe v. Wade overturned, but it’s not affecting my family, until we secure America, we are living with uncertainties.” Pam Pollard, chairwoman of the Oklahoma Federation of Republican Women

Ben Carson, a better black presidentThe above quote pretty much wrapped up the speeches from the 20 Republicans attending [and by video hookup]. Little if anything was said on social issues with everything based on national security, i.e., immigration, following Israel no matter what, more war in the Middle East, and of course a gun in every hand here at home to deal with airline hijackers, marathon bombers and of course those lazy thugs living downtown.

For as we recently found out in Waco, Texas the more guns the better. you know as the NRA logic goes, had all 200 bikers had guns rather than just about 65% of them, things would have turned out much better.

Having spent a year in Oklahoma myself, it is true that it is mostly just a state full of brown rocks, fire ants and silly churches, but there is much more to it than just meets the eye.

It is the only state that no longer has even a smidgen of BLUE anywhere in it. Where the state legislature went from being Democratic in 2007 to gaining a Republican super majority by 2010 – which should need no explanation.  Oklahoma is also fully owned, operated and funded – as is Texas and this straw poll – by oil and gas and is the home to the most horrible home grown terrorist act in America history, Timothy McViegh, a white Christian, veteran, gun enthusiast with a good down home American name, who surly would been been in attendance had he not been caught and executed.