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Ben Carson’s Shady Snake Oil Sales With Mannatech Inc – video

Ben Carson's  Shady Snake Oil Sales With Mannatech Inc

Anderson Cooper is still ‘keeping them honest’ –  tonight he investigates Dr Ben Carson’s relationship with a controversial nutrition supplement company called Mannatech, which claims to sell a supplement that’s  good for  anything that  ails ya from Alzheimer’s to Cancer.

Faced with questions about his involvement with the shady company during the recent debate, Carson denied any involvement, although it is clear that Carson has been in a ‘special relationship’ with the company for ten years.

A little digging shows that Carson, who was paid $42 thousand dollars for one speech, has given three speeches to the company and appeared on videos – still in existence,  touting the product..Carson still claims to have no ‘special relationship’ with the company. Carson seems to be saying ‘Who are you going to believe – me, or your lying eyes?’

Mannatech Inc. was sued by the state of Texas for deceptive marketing, settling out of court for $7 million dollars. It looks as though Ben Carson is guilty of a little deceptive marketing himself.