. Bernie Sanders continues his interview with Conan by answering the inevitable question from the host;’Could you have beaten Donald Trump?’ Says Sanders: “All I can say Conan, is I wish to God that I’d have had that opportunity.” Touring America during the campaign, and seeing the pain of millions touched Sander’s heart. Clearly Sanders feels deeply for the hurting. Far from bearing those folks ill will, Sanders feels that they voted for Trump, believing that Trump was ‘anti-establishment’ candidate.
Cognitive dissonance aside, you haven’t heard the last of Senator Sanders and ‘The Revolution’ – also the title of his new book. Sanders describes his job; “To rally the American people around a progressive agenda, which demands that our government and our economy not just work for the one percent, but work for the middle class and the working families – and we’ve got to do that together.” I think he means it!