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Bernie Sanders for President says the heart rather than the brain

Bernie Sanders for President says the heart rather than the brainThere is more to this Bernie Sanders thing than just Bernie, it is not just about the disheveled, kind, thoughtful, honest and well spoken man with good ideas to help the most of us rather than just the few of us [socialism], for he not only moves Hillary toward the same goals, but has / is shifting the Democratic party to a more secular left of center movement, which I might ad is about thirty-five hears over due.

Also take notice that this little out of the mainstream Bernie Sanders ad is full of smiles and laughs rather than the Republican ads full of hate, fear, guns and violence. It even treats Hillary rather kindly. It’s then nature of our better selves.

But as I am sure you have heard a billion times, there is nothing in the constitution that says we have to be better, or kind, or nice, or tolerant of others. It is our right to be as bigoted, sexist or racist as we wish to be. Or in the brief.  Political Incorrectness.