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Common Core for Dummies? FOD

Common Core for Dummies? FODCommon Core is most reviled down here in Dumbutt and the surrounding region for good cause, for as George W Bush said so well, it’s hard, it also suggests standard NATIONAL testing.

It is hard, I tried some of it, in fact so hard it phises ya off. Remember how much you hated the last part of the test questions that said, “What is your answer and WHY?” Well that’s pretty much the point of Common Core, teaching not only the answers but the thinking that goes on behind arriving at the answers.

As Donald Trump said so well concerning the Republican Base, “I won with the poorly educated! I love the poorly educated!” Poorly educated Republicans, or what we call the Republican Base had trouble getting through school with the old dumbed down educational process, this new Common Core crap about teaching kids how to think things through rather than just a “yes sir” or “yes ma’am” can bend a parent’s brain.

As to “standardized” testing, as is the case all over the South, we have just as many tests down here, it’s just that they are “standardized” on a local state curve. They most certainly do not want to see their kids scores next to scores from kids from New York or Minnesota.  There are of course smart Republicans screeching about the horror of Common Core, but they only do so because the poorly educated are the majority of Republican primary voters.