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Best Actress Jennifer Lawrence survives fall, rises with after ceremony interview video

jennifer lawrence fallsRather than stuff this article with two videos to include the fall itself, figured yall have seen it maybe 100 time so far this morning. It was tragic, horrendous, shamming, embarrassing, and the most newsworthy event of the evening!  I include this clip to show that as many stupid questions are asked of actors in entertainment interviews as are asked of athletes by sports announcers. There seems to be no bottom to how stupid it can go. “Is winning the Oscar a good thing you think?”  Gosh…

But I must say I was disappointed with the host Seth MacFarlane. The man who brought us the most number of farts in a 30 minute prime time show, and in another segment, the most individuals farting in a 30 minute prime time show. Where was the farting?  Come on, they could have at least had TED or Anne Hathaway rip one off. Or
