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BEST: Funny! Tex Pete Olsons short town hall, Rear Adm. Gregory Smith, Robert McDonnell VA-R..no jobs for women,

Rep. Pete Olson R-Texas now holds the record for the shortest town hall meeting ever! It’s a pity too. He had a lovely parable to share about an imaginary girl, with child – doomed due to the Public Option. Wouldn’t you know that the crowds were tutored a little too well in screaming and yelling, but first – a buzzkill who reads, proved Olson’s point to be wrong. Watch Worst for a great Donnybrook, with Olson shuffling off to Buffallo within 47 seconds from first entering the room, while yelling “Wow! Wow!”

Rear Admiral Gregory J Smith did a quick about face! He re-hired the Renden Group to provide journalists to embed with the troops. Stars and Stripes tapped him on his brassy shoulder and reminded him that they’d been fired, because they graded
journalists as to whether they were willing to emphasize positive coverage! Perhaps from now on, if you’ll excuse the expression, we’ll receive news that is more fair and balanced.

Virginia Beach Robert F McDonnell IS the American Taliban! He does have one of the more unique resume’s as a candidate for Governor of Virginia. Watch Worst for more of his astounding views! Women especially will be impressed with his ideas for us as expressed in a 1989 Masters Thesis. Hint: you cannot work! He is presuming the man who knocked you up does the honorable thing. No need for contraception, fornicators (interesting for a politician), homosexuals, and…..you simply must see it to believe it!