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Bill Maher interview with Bernie Sanders, May 27 3016

Bill Maher interview with Bernie Sanders, May 27 3016Say what you will about Bill Maher, but REAL TIME on HBO is the only place on TV you can see political news uncensored and without sucking to share.  Well I suppose two out of the three things that are not done in America are still self censored, disparaging religion, troops and Jews he still can’t do the last two.

There’s another example of political correctness gone crazy, I am told we can’t call Jews, Jews anymore. It sounds rough or something. What should we call them?  I asked my Jewish wife and kids and in-laws and they didn’t know you shouldn’t say Jews.  I suppose it is like calling African Americans “blacks.” For a lazy writer like me it’s a no brainer, one syllable versus seven, five letters versus 17 letters.  This is way I don’t use ‘peckerwoods” instead of “white.” Ok, so much for political correctness which whether you accept it or not, is what this election is based upon. A celebration of bigotry.

No no no no, all those ugly Trump fans are only concerned about jobs! Under the false premise that Mexicans and foreigners  have taken all the good jobs. You know roofers, maids, bean pickers, slaughter houses and not to forget quickie mart cashiers who have the lowest life span in America other than coal miners who love their jobs and dying young.

That is the antitheses or the truth, their jobs are not taken by Mexicans and Foreigners, these jobs are taken away by REPUBLICAN IDEOLOGY with the uneducated – who Donald Trump loves for good reason – voting straight GOP tickets for a generation. Why? Race, religion and hating liberals so much their teeth bleed.

I would inject a few facts here, but facts do not matter to the Republican Base one wit nit.  Or is that nit wit?

Oh, forgot, this is about Bernie Sanders. I love Bernie Sanders, always have, but two things. What he and I both want, with the system as it is and will be for quite some time, the Republicans will never allow. And secondly that much change all it once will cause too much turmoil, probably causing an even bigger run on guns than after the Negro got elected. Same with the Donald, I am just too old to be out there tipping over cop cars and throwing the gas canisters back at them. Leaving Hillary, perhaps the most qualified presidential candidate in modern history.