They should have had the two Republican debates further apart because while my brain was trying to recover from the Tsunami of Stupid from the first one when I got hit by the second wave, for a minute I thought I was watching a Comedy Central roast of the US Constitution.
The take away from the night was that Roger Ailes, who may run America and doesn’t like Donald Trump, told Fox News to get him, “Kill this f**king Rosemary’s Baby monster in it’s black crib!” Which Megyn Kelly did her best to do and failed.
All the horrible things that Donald Trump represents is what the Republicans love about him most.
Tonight’s panel included the often reasonable Republican activist Steve Schmidt – he reasonably gave us Sarah Palin – who Maher played as a fool to that theme. Schmidt would go on and on repeatedly about how coarse, stupid and wrong Trump is about everything while at the top of GOP polls because that’s what Republicans want to hear. What does that say about your party Steve? With Steven reacting to that like a deer in the headlights.