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Bill Maher Monologue Romney vs Obama, June 15 2012

More than anything else, some variation of the following statement is the refrain I hear most from my Republican friends and acquaintances:

“I am sick and tired of working my ass off paying for lazy bums to sit around all day and play the XBOX.”

That is the central issue running Republican Politics today. It is no matter that about 90% of the “Lazy Bums” are children too young to work, seniors too old to work, those to sick or disabled to work, and the over 10% of us who are unemployed and looking for work. No matter supporting the actual “Lazy Bums” doesn’t cost these Republicans much more than a nickle, it’s the PRINCIPLE OF THE THING! Helping someone else is WRONG, UNAMERICAN and UNCHRISTIAN. The money they are squawking about is almost all from is education, Social Securtiy, Medicare, prisons, war and interest on Republican driven debt. And no matter we all know what race the “Lazy Bums” are.

A new Pew Research poll puts the numbers to all that crap. Political divide. Partisan Polarization Surges in Bush, Obama Years Trends in American Values: 1987-2012. And a more interesting read from CNN by John Avlon, Hyper-partisanship dragging down nation,

In 1987 Ronald Reagan and 62% of Republicans and 79% of Democrats believed that government should “take care of people that could not take care of themselves.” Today, 40% of Republicans believe in that aspect of the social contract and 75% of Democrats.

86% of Republicans and 93% of Democrats believed that there needs to be stricter laws and regulations to protect the environment. No only 47% of Republicans support that statement, while Democrats’ sentiment remains the same.

These changes are of course driven by Tea Party politics since Blacky McBlack became President. But it is Ayn Rand Libertarian ideology that has been the driving force of it for  25 years. It is Christian Evangelical Fundamentalist’s Ron Paul and Rand Paul’s present to America.

Sure we can deny our foundation of e pluribus unum [out of many one]. We can reject old cliches such as AM I NOT MY BROTHERS KEEPER, NO MAN IS AN ISLAND, or IT TAKES A VILLAGE. But what I find the so utterly disgusting of our ever growing callous selfish disregard for each other is that it comes on the back of JESUS CHRIST.  Most every single thing this new Republican Party stands for is the direct antithesis of what Jesus Christ preached and what Christianity is suppose to be about. American Christianity has become nothing more that a pig wallow of every aspect of sexual intolerance. Oh,and anti-science, anti-education and anti-smart to keep it that way.

Bill maher monologue june 15 2012