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Bill Maher Monologue, Superbowl and Saudi Arabia, Jan 30 2015

“Super bowl Sunday, when men can drink openly and not secretly in the garage.” Bill Maher spot on!

bill maher monologueI always seem to find a great new fact watching Bill Maher. You know its true because he has legions of detractors trying to find a lie in every word he utters, so you can bet you ass when he spits something out it’s been checked and rechecked. In this case, the new King of Saudi Arabia beheaded four people in his first three days! Isis has some serious catching up to do.

Mitt Romney bowed out of the 2016 presidential pack which begs the question from Bill Maher, where will the GOP find another bland soulless white guy?  The answer of course is WISCONSIN! Or as some of my old pals call it now, Wississippi.

I doubt there is any state that more embodies that urban / rural divide than Wisconsin. In fact I didn’t realize everyone in America wasn’t drunk all the time until I was 33 and moved from Oshkosh to Dumbutt, Texas. That was also the year I first heard the phrase, LET’S HAVE COFFEE. I still don’t drink coffee. I don’t get the point of it.