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Bill Maher New Rule, Super hero The Orange Splincher, May 19 2017

Bill Maher New Rule, Super hero The Orange Splincher, May 19 2017

Bill Maher New Rule, Super hero The Orange Splincher, May 19 2017After four months at the job we have found that Donald Trump is the dumbest president to hold that office. Hey, George W was only got his words mixed up, not his brain. Oh you say, but Trump is smart in manipulating the media. Oops, that depends on what IS is. In this case it is a was.

He does have about 30 million Americans – one tenth of us – who like all cult members will find no wrong in their anointed leader. He can take away their health care, take away their educations, take away their air and water, reduce their salaries and wages, throw their pot smoking family members in jail forever, and it does not matter as long as he keeps giving the finger to anyone smarter than a pail of pickles.