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Bill Maher: Republicans In Memorium election 2012

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republican losers 2012 electionBill Maher groups all the post election Republicans together even though most will be shortly forgotten while others will be forever remembered as the clowns the proved themselves to be. These SIX individuals will carry that CLOWN tattoo on their foreheads for the rest of their lives with no hope of recovery:

The Donald Trump
Turd Blossom Karl Rove
Chairman Clint Eastwood
Cat Lady Michele Bachmann
Fat little fker Dick Morris
Fat little fker John Sununu

These six names will have to be sorted further into sub groups. At the top, or the bottom is GROUP ONE.
The Barely Human Foul, Ugly, Disgusting Republican Clowns Who Can Never Be Forgiven For Adding So Much Shit To An Otherwise Beautiful Planet. 

Ted Nugent
Michael Savage
Allen West
Rush Limbaugh
Glenn Beck
Andrew Breitbart
James O’Keefe

Then there are the standard Republican Clowns…

Bill O’Reilly
Ann Coulter
Steve King
Dan Inofe
Sean Hannity
Rand Paul
Karl Rove
Victoria Jackson
Fox News Family
Etc… Ad infinum… Et al