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Bill Nye explains evolution with Emoji

Bill Nye evolution with emojiThe problem is that even if we do bring the explanationof evolution down to the lowest intellectual level as Bill Nye does here, it will not change the 46% of Americans who deny evolution.  The highest rate of denial in the world other than Turkey.

Who said the American voter is stupid?  Well whoever it was needs to be dragged into congress to personally apologize to everyone.

Having been in this argument both online and in person too many times to count over the years, I have heard all the arguments against evolution. Some of my favorites are that a watch is complicated! That the Bible doesn’t lie. That science crap, which is also applicable to global warming and Bigfoot. But my personal favorite was being told that there as there is now proof Nebuchadnezzar actually existed it means Genesis is real. So there you have it. Sound reasoning, cool logic of the Nitwit Method of finding answers.

I have noticed that the hump these people cannot jump, the central issue they are unable to grasp is time. The length of time it takes things to change. It’s a bridge too far…

Their answer of course is that about 10,000 years ago God –  made in our image of that time – a 5’4 middle aged white man with long grey hair in a white dress, was sitting around – well hold it, there was nothing to sit on – over there in Nowhere got bored and started creating stuff. Universes, galaxies, solar systems and bad snakes. Doing it all in just six days.  He was in a hurry and awful busy. He got tired and needed a rest. He has been resting now for over 10,000 years.

I have a local weekly paper here in Dumbutt called The Bay Area Citizen. Every week they do a big story, sometimes two stories – on the lie and the hoax of global warming and climate change. Reading them finds that it is all the same silly jibber jabber and gobblygook that comes from creation science debates.  Silly philosophical and semantic games.