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Black Football Star Steve Foley Pit bulls Eat Puppy and Attack woman

In the what’s not new department of overpaid and testosterone overloaded black athletes, pit bull blood and gore rise once again from the ghost of Michael Vick.

Retired Houston Texan Steve Foley kept a couple of what neighbors called dangerojus pit bulls on his gated property.

The other day when Twana Schulz and the puppy she was holding were picking up her daughter at the bus stop, a neighbor yelled "His dogs are lose!" Twana with the fear of God in her ran to her home but the dogs intercepted her in her front yard.

After suffering several bites to her face and neck (hospitalization and stitches) she gave up the puppy to the pit bulls who gleefully tore it apart in front of her. Probe continues in Fort Bend pit bull attack

This falls under the three things I would most not like to have:

A loaded AK 47 on my kitchen table

Violent pit pulls running in my yard

A hemorrhoid bigger than my head