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Black women are ugly says racist toad Satoshi Kanazawa in Psychology Today

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MSNBC contributor Toure thoroughly explains how the blog came to be under public discussion, but much more nicely than I. I’m reminded of the Old Spice Commercial; Look at the author’s photo, look at the title, look at the author. It is a safe guess that Foxy "Dr" Satoshi Kanazawa, judge of women, and the next Dos Equis Man, has been turned down by a beautiful black woman recently. It’s also a safe bet that he has been turned down in the past.

Kanazawa’s premise is too idiotic and obvious for those blessed with the gift of sight to even consider, although it does cause a bout of hair-pulling and screaming at the injustice. It does get worse. it is beyond outrageous that Kanazawa also included information which seems to have been borrowed from white (Asian) supremacy rags from decades past.

"Psychology Today" has lost any credence it may have once had after printing the toady little blogger’s screed. While they have pulled the blog post, their explanation was less than satisfactory. Hmm…The one plus, if you can call it a positive. Kanazawa said that black women have better self esteem than women in general. Is there any doubt that he has been turned down by a beautiful black woman whose esteem prevented her from being seen with him?