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Blunders, Gaffes & Weird Moments In Political History: BuzzFeed Comedy

 Blunders, Gaffes & Weird Moments In Political History: BuzzFeed  Comedy American politics is chock full of cringe-worthy, laugh your ass off, awkward moments caught on tape! From G.W. Bush attacking Andrea Merkel to Al & Tipper Gore exploring each others dental work on national television, it’s a comedy of errors.

I still throw up in my mouth a little when I see this shot of the (later divorced) family values, Gores, but my all time favorite is Andrea Merkel. You’ll notice that she longer grimaces and hunches her shoulders, and you’ll see why. In fact, she smiles a lot these days. Only the creepiest guys in the freshman class ever execute the shoulder rub move, and often with less disastrous results that G.W. Bush accomplished.

Gary Bauer, Barney Frank, Howard Dean and Dan Quayle – (forever linked with ‘potato’) all have their reluctant moments in the spotlight.  Like Karl Rove ‘dancing,’ they’re all great fun to watch again.