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Bootstraps! The NEW Republican plan to fight Poverty, Pat Bagely cartoon

gop NEW war on poverty

gop NEW war on poverty

The last new idea Republican had was deciding to purchase women for sex rather than clubbing them over the head.

“Republican New Idea” is an oxymoron. They figure if they go back far enough most people will forget just how old that idea was. This is the NEW IDEA from the NEW YOUNG CROWD of Republicans led by Paul Ryan and Marco Rubio. Can’t make the rent? Pull up your boots!  Losing your home? Pull up your boots!! No job no hope. Pull up your boots!

The GOP walks a fine line.  Just in the past few months taking food stamps away from the poor and working poor, refusing to extend unemployment for the middle class, refusing to give the uninsured health insurance, that constant loud celebration of wiping their fat asses with over 90% of Americans is only offset to their base who roll around in religious intolerance, abortion, guns, homophobia, bigotry and racism. Which all seems to radiates from the central Mississippi / Alabama border to almost each coast.

I was looking at a United States graph of poverty by state.  There it was, the old confederacy front and center. I moved along to education levels, same picture, I moved to obesity, save picture, I moved on to gay marriage, same picture, to denial of voting rights, same picture, to divorce, to domestic violence, to infant mortality on and on and on it goes, there are the old confederate states with a few nearby states  added and a gerrymandering wing moving left and up with Idaho perhaps being the worst of the bunch.