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Born Again in the USA, Evangelicals Host Donald Trump – Samantha Bee

Born Again in the USA, Evangelicals Host Donald Trump - Samantha Bee

Samantha Bee sent a crew to the evangelical convention in Colorado, where Christians remind us to ‘love they neighbor – as long as they’re not a Muslim.’  The honored speaker for the holy hootenanny was none other than  Donald Trump of ‘Two Corinthians’ fame.

You might well assume that Christian evangelicals are not judgmental, and like Christ – are accepting, from the way they overlook Trump’s failings without a single ‘tsk!’  You’d be wrong in that assumption.  In evangelical world, Hillary is of the devil!  They ‘know’ she’s a liar. Add Hillary’s association with our President, the ‘radical Islamic Terrorist’ and the woman is Armageddon in a pantsuit!

Still, a lot of fun was had, and you won’t want to miss a moment of  God’s representatives on earth describing  why they cling to a lying, snake-oil salesman who’s been married three times, and openly lusts after his own daughter. For answers we look to a young man who confidently pronounced Trump’s morality and values far above those of Hillary.  Asked to name a few of Trump’s appealing values, he looked skyward for inspiration, uttered a prolonged ‘Uhhhhhhh’ and declared it to be a ‘loaded question.’ The young man finally committed;” At least he doesn’t hire hookers, he has the decency to marry them.” ( Was this a problem for Hillary, I wonder)  He added; “As long as he isn’t murdering people or  killing babies, I’m sure he’s fine.”