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Cannibis Coffee Cleavage, Disqus Comments reading

cannibis coffee cleavageBeing a sucker for bangs and cleavage, I suggest some software with this gal reading comments on all websites. Let’s put a face and cleavage on Siri.

Cleavage aside, this sure makes comments a lot more fun.  I was most surprised that there weren’t any comments from gun enthusiasts. After all, what would happen if bad guys wanted to take your cannibis coffee from you?

BTW, the gist of this is that most all cannibis edibles are made from cannibis butter. I recently I looked that up and after reading lots of articles, forums and comments I found the easiest and best recipe.


One ounce marijuana
One pound butter
Two quarts water


With a blender or food processor chop marijuana up fine.
In a crock pot ad the fine marijuana, the butter and the water.
Cook on high for at least 17 hours. Be sure to understand it will smell up an entire apartment complex and or immediate neighborhood.
Put crock pot in refrigerator. When cold, remove the block of butter and put it in container, Refrigerated it should last forever.

I was told the cooking process increases potency, so after giving it a try best not go out and make a fool of yourself in public. Stay home and do your Family Guy DVDs…