New Secretary of the Treasury Jack Lew has created a small fire storm of controversy over his loopy signature. Everyone has an opinion, from the…
When Fox News and Republicans go nuts on President Obama for his increased picks of males in his cabinet I have three words for them.…
I admit I do not like Tarantino movies. Well I did like Dusk to Dawn for it’s making fun of violence. Oh, and Jackie Brown…
The entire mess is outrageous and highly insulting! A One hundred and eighty two billion dollar bail-out doesn’t go as far as it used to,…
I believe Paisley has captured the essence of the little down-home girl from Georgia, and he’s done it with great good humor. On a day…
AIG CEO Hank Greenberg is the culprit, suing US for $25 billion to save his ass. Add Hank Greenberg to that ever growing list of…
The lies that these ‘people on the street’ tell with ease doesn’t surprise me. What is astonishing is that such accomplished fibbers are often unable…
Unless we are talking TEDDY, I can safely say that if bears were armed these NRA types would give up bear hunting. Much like all…
If that is the state of gun ownership in New York, imagine what it is Dallas or Phoenix? Boggles the mind! And why so few…
Night! News! Now! introduces its new segment “White Lies” Several of Betty’s claims could be true or white lies, but I’m fairly certain she’s…
Anderson Cooper draws the grim conclusion that we’re getting old from this truly ridiculous exchange between Megadeath frontman Dave Mustain and The Men’s Wearhouse. I…
Will Donald Trump choose ‘The Hair Club for Men’ or ‘The Institute for Incorrigible Douchebaggery?’ Bill Maher is willing to give Trump’s favorite charity Five…
What better way to spend a winter day than to start planning your summer outings! Whether you go in for long backpacking trips, or short…