In this episode of ’30 Seconds Over Washington’ Kyle Kinane reflects upon some of the most confusing, nonsensical and downright absurd political ads from past…
Which BTW, is one of the four pillars of Republican ideology. I, ME, MINE and MY. Oh and screw you.
I am sure Mitt Romney is all aglow with last night’s endorsement from singer Meatloaf. You remember Meatloaf’s meltdown on King of Clowns Donald Trump’s…
As always Jimmy Fallon’s ‘Night News Now’ features reports from every corner of the news world. Of course no other story is as closely followed…
By now you’ve undoubtedly heard Donald Trump’s “Very very BIG announcement concerning President Obama.” The Donald’s announcement took the form of an offer to President…
Stephen has the money from his PAC. The line of the video that will live on in our definition of Donald Trump: Nothing would make…
Surpassing Donald Trump in his year long dive to become the Wingnut Clown of New York, Clint Eastwood has managed to become the Wingnut Clown…
It seems The Donald has taken the place of whatshername… Um… Oh yeah, I remember now… Sarah Palin as our most beloved Republican Airhead. Thank…
Word was out that The Donald was going to present “Trumpish” proof that many years ago the Obama’s had divorce papers drawn up. A few…
OMG! OMG! OMG! It’s the man! It’s the man! Thing is with this presidential thing, the groupies can’t get to the hotel room. You know,…
As I watched this I was wondering if any Republicans cried like I did. Of course not, this is not something Republicans would watch. After…
These kind of ending always make me cry. I suppose it is because people being nice and kind and thoughtful and righteous and happy endings…
So the shoot em ups here in America are the fault of single mothers, or as conservatives think of them, sluts. 100 round magazines for…
Gene Simmons for Romney! Almost as good of an endorsement as Ted “machine gun your pet” Nugent! Ted Nugent who is easily the most disgusting…
And of course Lance Armstrong! Steroid use for bicyclists? My God! From this day forward I will not ever again watch the Tour de France…