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Katy Perry and Jodi DiPiazza sing firework and makes everyone cry

katy perry fireworks makes everyone cry As I watched this I was wondering if any Republicans cried like I did. Of course not, this is  not something Republicans would watch. After all, Comedy Central is OBAMA-TV, it makes fun of ignorance, intolerance, bigotry and that selfish disregard for others which is the basis of Republican ideology.

I do assume though that Republicans will have heard about this sometime today. Expect big laughs from Rush Limbaugh on his show today. Maybe he will call Katy Perry a slut and that sick little girl a dog.  [You understand what I just did? That is a strawman, something Limbaugh uses about 20 to 30 time a day, most eery day for 25 years]

And you know how the Republican Base feels about autism? It is a conspiracy caused by vaccines! It is also obviously Satan driven as recent studies show autistic people are not as religious as the general population by a significant margin.

And lastly, what do you think a Romney/Ryan administration would do to Medicaid covering autism or other “questionable” medical conditions?  I cannot tell from the video, but I hope to Hell Jody is wearing some sturdy bootstraps if the Republicans win this thing.