We saw saw way too much of Anthony Weiner. Why does Lauren, or any of us for that matter, have do defend being liberal. All…
Hey Florida. Why do your fragrant sea breezes and glorious sunshine attract so many lunatics? Don’t be down on yourselves, there’s no need for an…
Adding water and shaking works fine for most any of these dispensers. But had the young man gone with that, he would not have had…
This may be more fun than Willie Nelson smoking joints on the roof of the White House during the Carter Administration. Speaking of which. I…
This is more than likely going to happen. Big Dog in charge of the parties, guest lists, flatware, decorating and of course maid service. Even…
I admit to being a fan of that basic no nonsense rock and roll. Over the years I have found myself a dozen or so…
The best products are unquestionably the ones you see on TV in the middle of the night. For your convenience Jimmy Kimmel went through all…
Here at Kick! we love our four-footed friends. The enthusiastic greeting of your dog,and the special ways he shows affection to friends and soon-to-be…
The headline is almost enough. Now add in that she stabbed him with a ceramic squirrel. Adding to that, who in the Hell would have…
Just because a person has money does not mean they are bad people, it means their children are bad people. And now for something completely…
Gimmie three steps mister… Come on now! No guns in a country bar? What if someone jumps your quarter on the pool table? Or insults…
Here again we receive a good message in that we often think we are inactive fat suppositories when in fact are probably doing better than…
Oh the Egg Nog. I hope you received the same message I did from this video. That our relationships with our siblings (or spouses for…
The Best News Bloopers of 2013, International Edition. Yes! There are clips from Britain – and as far away as North Dakota! This rather extensive…
It’s silly funny, but I picked it for how well the girl on the left plays the tough girl part. More and more I have…