Having no video of this year’s biggest convention yet, with 250 participants (that we can see) , this brief showing of 2008 gives you some…
Today we present further proof that the road to hell is paved with the best of intentions. An Elk Grove, California elementary school teacher came…
We often hear Republicans screaming about how liberals and Obama are making this country a Hell Hole of socialist totalitarianism. Screeching about how awful it…
Finally! Stephen explains the downfall of Mark Sanford, Bob Livingston, Larry Craig, and ol’ Newtie Gingrich. Hint: It started with the rightous and moral speaking…
David Shuster is joined by Richard Wolffe of Newsweek who describes what is revealed about the 2008 McCain/Palin campaign by Palin’s emails to McCain’s Chief…
Comedy Central’s Stephen Colbert gives Davis a Tip o’ The Hat as only he can. With tongue planted firmly in cheek, he applauds her callousness…
Sharon Waxman editor-in-chief of TheWrap.com joins David Shuster in discussing AEG’s release of this rehearsal video made two days before Jackson’s death. AEG’s greed is…
David Shuster, sitting in for Keith Olbermann, leads a discussion about the Republican party, which is crumbling under the hypocrisy of their latest two great…
Best Advice From A Higher Being: This goes hands down to Joe the alleged Plumber. Much like David Shuster, who is filling in for Keith,…
Senator Ensign, Senator Sanford, that creepy little Jindal character… Even God’s very own chosen Bimbo Sarah Palin may be in error and wrong and failed,…
Gold: San Diego County Sheriff Deputy Marshall Abbott takes home the Golden Gloves, bullying douche bag award! Watch Keith Olbermann in Worst Persons in the…
There is an old saying; If you find yourself in a hole, stop digging!” The “Wild Bull Of The Pampas” cannot seem to STFU, though…
Parade Magazine has the largest circulation of any print source in America! I assume that means it is also the most reliable source of information.…