Republicans on Vacation The climb up the Temple of the Sun was wearying, and hot. The Chiapas sun had finally burned through the hanging mist…
Speaking of appointing a Supreme Court Justice, Obama said he values empathy as an essential ingredient. The GOP went psycho! Did you know that empathy…
By now, we’ve all heard how the 66-yr old soldier on his way to pick up his psychiatric medication intervened during the tense 5 hours…
Gold Plated #$%^ Award: A well-deserved one goes to Mark Krikorian of the Center for Immigration Studies. After this, we may wish to look into…
What is it that makes me tear up so watching this woman? I suspect it has something to do with that "empathy" thing Republicans so…
Law professor Jonathan Turley of George Washington University shares his view of Judge Sotomayor, and her past legal judgements. Those who feel she has a…
ManCow went live all the better to laugh off waterboarding as a big joke. I give him credit for telling everyone exactly what he experienced,…
Gold: Laura Ingraham, with the theory that torture isn’t a crime if it’s only done three times, as the Bushies absurdly claimed it had been…
From last week but these are good…
Today is the last day of the get-to-gether over in Austin, Texas. Every other year Texans send their state representatives to the capital to do…
Chen Fuchao had been standing on the Haizhu bridge for five hours contemplating suicide. He saw it as the only way to deal with the…
If you had been on the Greek Isle of Crete last Sunday you would have been treated to the vision of 17 rather sturdy and…
Get ready to roll your eyes, we don’t want contact lenses popping out. The gauntlet had been tossed down, Keith Olbermann had issued a gentlemen’s…