Though a very loud enemy of The War on Drugs over the past 40 years, I have a hard time imagining crank and crack for…
Dr Walter Wagner (research shows no reason for the Doctor preface) is just an example of our plethora of the anti-science at work across the…
Preach Stephen Preach! You do understand that this really isn’t Americorp that Republicans like Laura Ingrahm find so hideous. It’s GOVERNMENT SCHOOLS. They used to…
Now with 60 Democrats, the Senate is GOP filibuster proof with the furtue of America now in the hands of Al Franken. The whole Daily…
Is it contagious? What about Olympia Snow and and Susan Collins? And WTF is Joe Lieberman doing?
I made a point to listen to this disgusting human being today to find out how he would handle one of the most respected Republicans…
I can’t help put assume Jason Jones – with his Swine Flu conspiracy theory and need to shoot carrier John Oliver in the forehead –…
Of all places, South Carolina is experiencing a public relations boon for atheists. Secular Humanists of the Lowcountry recently put up a large billboard exclaiming…
"Freed Pirate Hostage Accuses Limbaugh Of ‘Hate Speech’ " This isn’t anything new… "The Round Mound of Drug Addicted Sound" has been at these kinds of…
Best line of the night… Carrie Prejean, Miss California decrys gay marriage. She is Christian, she’s hot looking, she’s stupid… Looks like the GOP has…
After a few weeks of piddling around with different formats, Bill Maher has returned to the old formula; Monologue, three guests and the best damn…