Though playing nice with WINGNUT Joe the plumber, we find reinforcement of what we already knew. Joe Wurzelbacher is even dumber than we suspected. He…
Already, this form of REPUBLICANISM (political murder) is being defended by Republican radio talk show hosts. Though they stipulate, if true… If true? Was Liberace…
This covers a lot of territory but is funny as Hell!
The Daily Show writers missed an opportunity on this one. As the Republicans play their political game in this video using charts and visual aids…
Rush Limbaugh announced yesterday that because New York taxes are rising on those of us who make more than $500,000 a year – Rush is…
Personally I think his problem is a mix of being a Mormon, a Moron and Jack Daniels. You know a decade ago FOX NEWS was…
Without Lou Dobbs and his prime time visceral hatred of Mexico and all things Mexican, the Hispanic electorate may not have shifted 12 points to…